Please take care to read through the following Terms & Conditions before booking your Intensive Course

All bookings are accepted on the strict understanding that the pupil has read, understood and accepted our terms and conditions. By booking a course with Intensively Chilled you are indicating that you have read and understood the terms and conditions and agree to adhere and abide by them.

Young Driver vouchers are only valid for single use and must be surrendered on the first lesson following their application.

The pupil must hold a current valid driving license, provisional, full or international, and must produce it on or in advance of, your first driving session.

The pupil must be fit to drive with regard to legal and medical requirements. This includes being able to satisfy the driving test eyesight requirements of being able to read a vehicle number plate at a distance of 20.5 metres or 67ft.

The course will last the duration of the hours booked. The total hours booked includes the time required for taking the practical test. If needed additional hours can be booked with your instructor at the hourly rates as advertised on the website for the category of course chosen. 

As part of the course you will take a mock test with a different senior instructor to determine your suitability to sit the practical test (equivalent of two hours is taken from the course hours to cover the cost of the mock test)  . This will take place after you've completed all your training hours and at least one day prior to your test. If in the senior instructors opinion they feel that you are not ready to take your practical driving test due to safety reasons, then you will not be allowed to take your driving test and the test will be cancelled. If this is the case you will not be offered a refund and will lose the DVSA element of your fee and be required to pay and book another test at a cost of £62 once all remedial work has been completed.

All remedial work is required to be completed by a Chilled Instructor, failing to adhere to this will result in any outstanding hours or fees being lost.

If you decide that you want to use your own car for test this is ok but unfortunately you wont be able to use the test we have booked for you thats in the school's name, in this event the test will be cancelled, you will lose this fee and you will have to book your own test.

All remedial work will be outside of what the initial course booking fee covered and is chargeable at a rates as advertised on the website for the category of course chosen, this is why we offer you the opportunity to overbook and be refunded the difference in hours at the rate you paid if you pass sooner.

Full payment is required to secure your course booking and is payable at time of booking.

No refunds will be given at any time unless the school is unable to carry out the course from their perspective due to unforeseen circumstances. Courses are non-transferable and can only be taken by the pupil who was originally booked in for it.

We may be able to reschedule the course if agreed in advance that the course going ahead depends upon the pupil passing the theory test in time to book the practical and such failure to do so would in no way impact on the instructor losing work and income for that pre-defined period. There is a standard charge of 10% of the original course fee to make any changes and the pupil is also liable to pay for any increases in the price of the courses that have taken place since the original booking.  Should there be an impact then we will proceed with all of your course as planned.  Any hours unused from the course are only valid three months from the original course start date after which time you will lose any entitlement to these, unless, the school has moved the course start date which then moves the validity date by the same amount. 

If you pass your test and have unused hours remaining these will only be refunded to you if you completed your course as was originally planned and emailed. In any situation whereby the course has been changed by the pupil or anyone outside of the school resulting in the hours not being able to be completed by the school as planned then you will not be enitiled to any refund. We are happy to refund remaning hours after a successful test pass with the school whereby the original contract has been followed or whereby the school or Instructor cut short the hours in the belief that the pupil didn't require them all. Whereby qualification for a refund is met there is a £50+VAT admin fee chargeable against the refund amount, this will automatically be deducted and the remaining balance will be sent via cheque.

There may be on occasion a need to change the days/times of your course due to another pupils test clashing with your course due to reasons outside of our control. In this situation we will give you as much notice as possible and change your course to ensure all our commitments are met.

You are assigned an instructor and at no point can this be changed to another. We may at our discretion change the course to a weekly one in extreme circumstances should we deem the pupil not fit for the Intensive pace.

We will not refund you any fees paid if you don't like the instructor or are unable to do any of the pre-booked days/hours due to sickness, your own transport issues, work calling you in etc and are not bound to offer any alternative. We are under no obligation to change days of your course due to any of the above either and you will lose your fee for any days you do not attend. Your practical driving test cannot be booked until you have successfully passed your theory test. (It is recommended that wherever possible you take your theory test prior to commencing your intensive driving course.

In the event the initial instructor allocated to you leaves the school your hours will be allocated to a new instructor and can only be completed by your new instructor. Should you choose not to move instructors and stay with the departing instructor or choose to use an external instructor then you agree to forfeit any remaining hours left with no entitlement to a refund of any value.

When taking an intensive course, it is not advisable to drive continuously. Short breaks can be arranged between you and your instructor.

It is your responsibility to notify your instructor as and when you have passed your theory test in order for your practical driving test to be booked. Should the theory test have not been passed by the course start date, then the course will continue as planned but the hours allocated to the test day will be used as teaching hours and the test fee will be lost, requiring a fee of £80 to be paid once the theory has been passed and you require the booking of the practical test to be done. The school must book the practical to ensure it fits the instructors diary, no tests booked directly by pupils can be allocated.

Practical driving tests are booked with the Driving & Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) and availability cannot be guaranteed. In the event that a practical test cannot be booked for the end of the course, then an alternative test will be offered for a date and time that is agreeable to both you and the instructor. No refund of any of the course fee will be applicable in this case. Course fee covers a weekday test only. Should a weekend test be required or given then an additional fee of £50 is required to be paid by the pupil.

In the event your test is delayed you will be required to take a 3 hour pre-test at the rates as advertised on the website for the category of course chosen, a few days prior to your test to refresh you on key test route information

*The rate you paid is determined by taking the total fee, minus £62 for the dvsa fee, divide the remainder by the hours assigned to that course which then gives you an hourly rate. We take that hourly rate and times it by the outstanding hours and this creates your refund figure.

Intensively Chilled cannot be held responsible, or liable, for the test fee in the event that your practical driving test is cancelled by the DVSA, for whatever reason.

Term Times and School Holiday dates are detrmined by the school adhering to the Norfolk County Council's Academic dates for each applicable year. A £5 per hour additional charge is made for School Holiday dates, this also applies to Bank Holidays.

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