Darren Benton ADI

Manual and Intensive Instructor


Having worked in Retail Management for over 30 years, meeting new faces on a daily basis and being part of a team. One thing stood out to me I loved training and developing my colleagues around me, encouraging them to succeed in their role and be the best of their ability.
So I thought to myself could I combine my work and life experiences with a passion of driving and make it a career.
As in the past I given extra valuable driving time to my wife, mother-in-law who was 62 at the time from my daughter who is deaf, very challenging task but a very rewarding one at the same time and then to my son. 

After speaking to Alan at Chilled I knew it was right for me so I made it happen and joined the Instructor Academy. 

The Chilled team are very friendly and supportive through the transition. 
There are social events so you get to meet everyone and it makes you feel a part of a team.

In my spare time I enjoy Martial Arts, Motorcycling, DIY and love Holidaying whilst learning the Spanish language.

Regards Darren


Chilled Driving Tuition Ltd
Padgate, Thorpe End, Norwich NR13 5DG
We are open and offer lessons
Monday - Friday: 9am to 6pm
Saturday: 9am to 6pm
Sunday: CLOSED
Hours may differ on Bank Holidays
Registered in England and Wales, Company no. 07763072
VAT registration no. 192 5344 96
“Amazing service!”
“Best driving tuition going”
We are ranked 1st in the UK on FreeIndex

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